Monday 31 October 2011

Piggies puppet show

For this uni project we were given a song and had to create a puppet show for it. I worked in a group of three and the song we were given was 'Piggies' by the Beetles. We related this song to the story of animal farm, which is about the animals going against there human masters and they take over the farm so they can live equally together, but it soon becomes corrupt when some animals get a taste of power and become just like the humans.

I do have a video of the puppet show but unfornaatuly I am having trouble uploading it on to blogger. So for now I have just put pictures up of the puppets I made.

Shadow puppets - These puppets were to show the animals working on the farm in the background. I made these puppets using black card, for the parts which I wanted to move I cut out and pined on to the puppet and I used a long piece of wire to move the puppet. I shone a light trough the screen so that the shadow puppets would show up.

String puppet - This puppet was being controlled by a much bigger puppet in the show, to show how the animals which had gained power were controlling and manipulating the other animals. So the puppet didn't need moving limbs it just needed to roll around like a pig does in mud. I made it using tights which I stuffed with fluff. I made each limb separately which I then sewed onto the body. For the head tho I made it out of polystyrene, glued paper over it and stuck it to the body. I covered the body in glue to stiffen it and then painted the head, I also gave the pig a cigar because this was the part of the story when some of the animals started turning human.

Hand puppet - I also made this puppet out of tights, I stuffed the head with fluff and I made it so that I could put my arm trough the body and the back of the head to make the mouth move. The teeth were make of card and I painted the tongue. I sewed its features such as the nose and eyes and I also sewed some fake eye lashes on to it as this was a female pig. I sewed on the arms and attached a wooden knife and folk to its trotters which were made of wood and painted silver. To controll the arms I attached a wire to each trotter. So I could coltroll its mouth and head movements wth one hand and controll the arms with my other hand. I then painted the pig a light brown colour and sewed on some clothes and jewelry.

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